Donation of furniture to the government school Thagathachere lead r. . .
uniform distribution at 11 government school children in kanakapura. . .
Republic day celebration and talent show by the children/students o. . .
Republic day celebration at tatekere school lead by Rtn Adiba Kazi
Republic day celebration with talent show by the children of Kadjak. . .
Construction of Vaddenahalli, sira taluk, chithradurga dist governm. . .
Talent show of around 700 govt school children organised by Rohan R. . .
construction of school building (part) at rotary education society . . .
support for building a room for Hosabelaku womens dormitory
blood donation camp at Rameshwaram cafe, headed by Rtn Ramesh Chari
providing 16 computers and steel chairs to Immadihalli govt polytec. . .
4 computers for basaveshwar school children hiriyur, lead role by R. . .
dailysis beds and monitors provided to Dhee Hospital, handled by Rt. . .
struss and sheets structure on terrace of Spoorthi Dhama old age ho. . .
providing CSR program - 5000 sq ft tiles from Orient Bell to Maithr. . .
providing 9291 sq ft of tiles to hoskote govt first grade college
CSR activity - donation of 10000 sq ft of tiles from orient bell to. . .
Distribution of tiles to the government school
Art and Drama Exhibition conducted by Ithihasa Foundation, initiate. . .
Tree plantation of 1500 acres at Challakere, with lead taken by Gre. . .
Blood Donation Camp organised at Bhageerathi Travels, conducted by . . .
Distribution of steel tumblers to the students of Government School. . .
Referral of diabetic amputee for fitting of artificial limb through. . .
College fees paid for Zainab Chand 3rd year student of CMR Universi. . .
hindustani vocal by Rtn Ram Mohan Hegde and troupe voluntary perfor. . .
Attendance meet and Donation to Rotary Orchards chaitanya senior ci. . .
awareness session on social behaviour and impact of prohibited webs. . .
donation of computer tables and chairs to the Government Polytechni. . .
Rabies Disease awareness at Tatekere Govt School by Rtn Adiba Kazi
Blood Donation camp at SESIPL 108 donors organised by Rtn Kiran Kum. . .
Awareness session on Etiquette - Framework for Courteous and Respec. . .
happy school renovation and painting work, art work, drinking water. . .
Awareness session on sexuality at Harohalli high school and PU Coll. . .
sex education for dyavsandra highschool students harohalli, kanakap. . .
sexual abuse and sexual awareness session for high school girls at . . .
teachers day celebration and scholarship and books distribution at . . .
Mensuration awareness session conducted for govt school teachers at. . .
Inauguration of Vidya Niranrantara (education for all) hand holded . . .
A wheelchair donated to the mother of a 7 year old boy Gagandeep, w. . .
Interact Cognition training program, development, team building for. . .
blood collecting event at RV college of Architecture, around 80 uni. . .
Independence day celebration at Gotegehalli school, ramnagar taluk . . .
Independence Day Celebration along with scholarship disbribution at. . .
Independence day celebration at Bangalore Orchards Flagship School . . .
independence day celebration @ Kottegepalya Government Primary Scho. . .
Rotary Orchards proudly partnered with Samsung Electro Mechanical (. . .