Rotary Club of Bangalore Orchards - Rotary India

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Total Services 19
Speaker Meet - Sunil Tellakula

Speaker Meet at IBIS Bangalore by CA Rtn Sunil Tellakula on Introdu. . .

Speaker Meet

Speaker Meet @ IBIS Bangalore, by C N Rajesh on AI and Its Implicat. . .

7th Board Meeting

7th board meeting held at Alps Consulting,

Rotract Club of RV college of Architecture

Charter installation of Rotract Club of RV college of architecture

GOV meeting

GOV meeting held at IBIS

5th Board Meeting

5th board meeting held at Alps Consulting

3rd club assembly

3rd club assembly held at Terrace Hall, Century Club

2nd Club Assembly

2nd club assembly held at century club terrace hall, to discuss cha. . .

Speaker Meet - Dr Sudhakar

Speaker Meet held at Ramanashree Richmond by Rtn Dr Sudhakar - Leve. . .

4th Board Meeting

4th Board Meeting held at Alps Consulting (provided by Rtn Jay Pill. . .

3rd Board Meeting

3rd board meeting held at Alps Consulting Vasanthnagar curtesy Rtn . . .

1st Club assembly

held at Century Club, terrace lounge

Rotract club Installation

Installation of Rotract Club @ rotary house of humanity Halasuru

Second Board Meeting

second board meeting for the year 24-25 held at Alps consulting to . . .

Family Meet - Rtn Ramesh Cadabams birthday bash

Celebrating Rtn Ramesh Cadabams 67th Birthday at his residence alon. . .

Interact Bangalore Orchards Installation

Installation of Interacts President Ankitha and her board members f. . .

Speaker Meet

Antra Bhargava, Rtn. gave an exceptional talk and demostration of ". . .

Installation of Innerwheel Bangalore Orchards

installation of Innerwheel Bangalore orchards - President Soumya an. . .

RBO Installation 2024-2025

RBO installation for the year 2024-25 held on 2nd July 2024 held at. . .